
Wooden Toys Are a Great Choice for Children

We live in a world where technology has almost completely taken over the role of play time. babies as young as two years old are being exposed to games via technology, although this is not entirely a bad thing, it does hinder a child in terms of their development and ability to engage in imaginative play through the use of conventional toys. The use of conventional toys has been proven to assist children in their developmental stage. Children who are encouraged to spend more time in imaginative play is more likely to develop hand eye coordination and motor skills faster than a child who spends more time engrossed in technology.

The Wooden baby toys are a great choice for babies, because they are made from natural materials as opposed to plastic or any other conventional materials that may be toxic for your little one after prolonged use. Because babies are prone to putting almost anything in their mouths, it is a good idea to check toys before purchasing it. Wooden toys tend to be made from a more natural material and carries quite a few benefits, let’s have a look at some of those benefits;

  • Wooden toys improves hand eye coordination.
  • Wooden toys assists with motor skills.
  • Wooden toys support problem solving.
  • Wooden toys incorporate real life skills.
  • Wooden toys encourages the use of imagination.
  • Wooden toys are more durable than conventional toys.
  • Wooden toys are timeless, they grow with your child.
  • Wooden toys are more tactile.
  • Wooden toys are educational.

Here at Noc Noc Wooden baby blocks or wooden Toys we produce exceptional toys. Our wooden toys are expertly handcrafted and shipped to our clients all over the world. Noc Noc Wooden toys was first established in 2015. Our pieces are perfectly simple in design. Our baby toys are made from sustainable, non toxic woods. Each toy is sealed with Noc Noc very own 100% organic jojoba and beeswax cream. Our toys does not contain any paint, bright colors or complicated structures. Our wooden toys comes in a variety of different styles, themes and shapes such as, baby milestone eggs, unicorn dreaming animal blocks, personalized organic wooden ring stacker, organic balm, organic wooden rattles and personalised baby gift sets. Although wooden toys are more expensive than conventional toys, or even some educational toys, they have the potential to last for years. For all your personalised baby gift sets, visit our webpage and invest in your child’s development today!

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