toddler toys

Which Toddler Toys Are Suitable For Your Child?

Looking for toddler toys? Every child is different and will develop at a different pace. While there are children who develop quickly, there are others that develop quite slowly. If you want your child to stand out from his peers, ensure you give them all the support, attention, and encouragement they deserve. Additionally, give them toddler toys to help in developing their aptitude.

Best Toddler Toys to Buy

There are numerous types of toys to buy for your young ones. Makers of toys develop toys in the various age groups in mind, which means no matter the age, there’s something for everyone. When purchasing a toy for your child, ensure that the toy is made, especially for a child of their age.

For a one-year-old toddler, it’s good to purchase toys that can be filled and emptied. 2 to 6-piece puzzles are great. These kinds of toys help develop your child’s ability to form mental images of things.

Other great toys for their age group are colored balls, squeeze toys, assorted sizes of unbreakable mirrors, colored books with colorful and vibrant pictures, and toy trucks. Such toddler toys help children:

  • Enhance the grasping and releasing ability
  • Improve imagination and creativity
  • Develop self-recovery
  • Enhance their conceptual development

Additionally, toys that are imitations of real gadgets like toy cellular phones and toy POS machines encourage a child’s problem-solving skills, language, and social development. For 2-year old toddlers, toys like:

  • Toy phones
  • Building blocks
  • Toy trucks
  • Picture books
  • Books of rhymes
  • Picture books
  • A toy that allow them to play and hear music is suitable

At 2 years old, a toddler can already form mental images of actions, things, and concepts. Similarly, they can already grasp the concept of shape-sorting toys and simple puzzles. They can also hum and try to sing and enjoy looking at colorful books. Proving them with such toys would assist them to develop these abilities.

At 3-years old, a toddler already can speak clearly. It’s at this stage that they start asking questions about anything and everything that they see and interests them. It’s the best chance to develop their mental ability. Micro scooter NZ can be a great toy to develop their coordination skills. Other toys that are suitable for this age group include:

  • Toy PC
  • Coloring books
  • Easel companion sets
  • Alphabet puzzles
  • Dollhouses
  • Dolls
  • Latches board
  • Furniture set, etc.

Building blocks can also help develop the mental capacity of a 3-year old child. Online toy stores have a wide range of toddler toys to choose from. Ensure that when buying toddler toys for your child, you purchase only those which are safe for your little one. Don’t just purchase any toy which catches your attention.

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