eco towels in Australia

Save Your Staff Time and Energy by Swapping Over to Eco Towels

If you’re still using cotton towels in your salon, you may be putting your staff under a lot of unnecessary strain. Cotton towels require hot washes and drying between every use to prevent the spread of bacteria from client to client in your salon.

Yes, cotton towels can be comfy and cosy, but they take a lot out of your staff, so you may find that swapping to eco towels in Australia is an optimal solution for you.

The Tedious Task of Washing and Drying Cotton Towels

Think about it. Between every single client, your cotton towels for your salon will need to be hot washed and dried, and then still folded and put away. If you have a washing machine and tumble drier on-premise, your staff most likely have to wash as part of their duties, and if you have to take towels to a laundromat, this may fall on the manager’s shoulders. Either way, it is a tedious and never-ending task, and it’s expensive! Laundromats are not cheap, and if you’re washing your own towels, you will know how high your energy bills are at the end of every month.

Save Time and Energy With Eco Towels

eco towels in Australia

In stark contrast to cotton towels, eco towels require no washing and drying as they are single-use items. You simply take one out, use it, and then throw it in the bin once you’re done. No washing. No drying. No folding. No packing away. No trips to the laundromat.

You will free up so much of your staff’s time as well as save money on energy bills and laundromat fees. You can get rid of your washing machine and use the space for something else. Your entire salon will change. And in a good way!

You may be wondering how eco towels are eco friendly if they are a single-use item. Well, that is because they are biodegradable and will completely break down within a matter of weeks!

And the best part is that they work just as well as cotton towels in terms of absorbance and comfort! They are just as effective, but by using them, you’ll be reducing your eco-footprint and making life easier for your staff!

Are you looking to buy eco towels in Australia? Here at Affordable Eco Solutions, we sell a wide range of eco-friendly salon products, including eco towels. Browse our selection online, or get in touch with us should you have any questions about our products.

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Ben Haviland