piano lessons in Auckland

6 Reasons Why Piano Lessons In Auckland Should Be A Part Of Your Child’s Education

Most people think of piano lessons in Auckland as a fun hobby for kids, but there are actually many benefits to learning how to play the piano. Studies have shown that piano lessons can improve academic achievement, help children develop better motor skills, and even improve social skills.

Here are six reasons why piano lessons should be a part of your child’s education:

  • Improve Academic Achievement:

Studies have shown that children who study an instrument for at least one year have higher test scores than their non-musical peers. In fact, one study found that students who had two or more years of instrumental music training scored 10 percent higher on standardised reading tests than those who did not study an instrument.

  • Develop Better Motor Skills:

Piano lessons teach children how to move their fingers independently while playing music. This helps them develop coordination and fine motor skills, which are important in other areas like writing and sports. 

In addition to this benefit, studies have also found that learning how to play an instrument can increase memory span by up to 30 percent!

  • Improve Social Skills:

The social aspect of piano lessons is often overlooked, but it’s an important part of the process. The teacher-student relationship is one of mutual respect and trust; this helps build self-confidence for both parties involved.

piano lessons in Auckland

The teacher becomes a mentor for their student, which helps build confidence and self-esteem as well as other social skills like working together or interacting with others.

  • Increase Self-Esteem and Confidence:

As mentioned above, learning how to play an instrument can increase a child’s self-esteem. This is especially true if they’re able to perform well in front of others or receive praise from their teacher or parents for their progress on an instrument.

  • Stimulate Creativity and Imagination:

Piano lessons in East Auckland have been shown to stimulate a child’s creativity and imagination. Piano lessons can also help develop problem-solving skills, which will come in handy when your child is faced with difficult situations down the road.

  • Stimulate the Brain:

Piano lessons stimulate the brain by engaging both sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is used for logical thinking and analysis, while the right side is used for creativity and imagination. Piano lessons allow children to use both sides of their brains at once, which can help them develop better problem-solving skills.


Piano lessons in Auckland are not just fun for your child;​ they also promote healthy physical and mental development!

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Noah Kashiwagi